IRS Changes Notice Requirement for Listed Transactions

When a taxpayer files a tax return reporting their income, the IRS gains insight into their earnings and can compare this information with similarly situated taxpayers. One might expect that this regular reporting would be sufficient for tax administration purposes. The IRS could simply identify and audit returns showing unusual drops in reported tax. This…

Timing for Written IRS Manager Approval for Penalties

Timing For Written Irs Manager Approval For Penalties

The courts recently held that penalties have to be abated if the IRS does not obtain written manager approval for the penalties. The IRS has been abating penalties for this since the ruling. But there is a question as to when does the IRS have to obtain manager approval? Is it sufficient that the IRS…

Computing the Reportable Transaction Penalty

Subchapter S Corporation Losses Limited By Tax Basis

The Section 6707A reportable transaction penalty can be difficult to work with given the more limited avenues for contesting the penalty. The court addressed this in Bitter v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2017-46, in the context of a Section 412(i) plan. Tax advisors have been waiting for an answer to the very question of how to…

Reportable Transaction Penalty, Full Payment Required

Tax Court Expands Innocent Spouse Relief For Divorced Taxpayers

Tax matters can be litigated in a number of different courts. One of the advantages of bringing suit in U.S. Tax Court is that the tax does not have to be paid prior to bringing suit. For tax matters litigated in the U.S. District Courts or the Court of Federal Claims, the tax has to…