Interest Abatement: What is a Ministerial Act?

Interest Abatement: What Is A Ministerial Act?

Imagine that the IRS did not act quickly. Okay, that isn’t hard to imagine. The IRS never acts quickly. I’ll rephrase that. When the IRS goes slow in processing even the most basic request or inquiry, what happens? Does this stop the accrual of interest? The answer is, unfortunately, “no” it does not–in most cases.…

IRS Recalculation Doesn’t Justify Abating Interest

Recent Texas Tax Case Is An Example Of Why Taxpayers Should Hire A Tax Attorney

Taxpayers may sometimes request the IRS to recalculate their tax liability, and the IRS may grant such a request, but this does not necessarily mean that the IRS accepts all the tax positions set out or omitted from the return. If the IRS subsequently recalculates the amount of tax due again and increases the amount…